2003 News
Another year is almost over so fast! We hope it’s been a good one for all of you. We’re all still trying to recuperate from colds and flu during Thanksgiving and afterwards. Let’s hope the flu and SARS epidemics don’t hit as hard as predicted.
Rory travels a lot more now as Compliance Officer for UC Davis Medical Center. He made numerous trips early this year. When one meeting coincided with the kids’ spring break, we all decided to join him since the meeting was in Oahu, Hawaii. We stayed in the Hilton Hawaiian Village. It worked out great with the hotel right on the beach. The kids could come and go independently. Cody took a surfing lesson while Jill and I had fun shopping. We hiked up to Diamond Head, hiked on the other side of the island, and overall had a very relaxing and enjoyable time.
This summer Jill worked hard as a cashier for the City of Davis at the pools. Cody took a drama class that culminated in a play put on for family and friends. He enjoyed a photography class also and went swimming several times/week to get some exercise in. He worked a lot doing his “pet-sitting” business for various neighbors during their vacations. Both kids earned lots of money this summer with their busy jobs.
My niece, Hannah, came to visit and enjoyed celebrating Cody’s birthday with us in July. It was fun having her.
We took a few short vacations this summer to visit family. The kids and I went to Missouri to see my Aunt Celia, Uncle Bernie, my cousins and their kids. It was a lot of fun. My aunt and uncle have a beef farm so my kids enjoyed seeing country life. They both particularly loved Bernie’s ATV and drove it all over the farm. While there we went to Silver Dollar City, which is much like Frontierland at Disneyland. It was great to see everyone.
Rory’s cousin Lauren from Arizona, her husband Bernie, and their three daughters met up with us in San Francisco. We spent the day sight-seeing and shopping. It was fun meeting them. Then, a few weeks later, we went to Southern California. We had a small get-together for Dad & Jane’s 35th anniversary. My sister Connie, her husband and kids were there as was my brother Cory. Later, Cody and I went down to San Diego to visit my Mom with my brother. We enjoyed the Birch Aquarium and had a nice time out to dinner. We drove back up to Anaheim and did Disneyland all the next day. It was exhausting but fun. We finished our time in Southern California by visiting with my in-laws and my niece Alanna. Cody played miniature golf with my father-in-law while my mother-in-law and I both rested! It was a brief but very busy stay in Southern California.
Rory and I had the opportunity to look at some more property up by Crescent City, just south of the Oregon border in California. While up there, we visited my nephew Evan, who’s a student at Humboldt State University in Arcata.
Jill’s a senior in high school and very busy with college applications. Cody’s
enjoying his second year of junior high – 8th grade, but has kept very busy with lots of home work. I’m still in both of my book clubs and enjoy them a lot. The book lists are updated and on my section of this Web site: Little Book Club, Stonegate Book Club. I get together with numerous friends regularly for lunch and social get-togethers. I’ve also volunteered for various tasks at the kids’ schools as well. I also try very hard to work out regularly walking/running and weight-lifting.
Rory and I celebrated our 20th anniversary in May of this year. Rory got tickets to take me to see Tim McGraw. I have become a big country music fan in recent years. The concert was a blast! Tim McGraw is a wonderful performer and singer. Rory’s not such a big fan of country music so this was very special. Later in June, Jill and I plus some of our friends went to see Kenny Chesney — another one of my favorite country musicians. That concert was also fantastic! It was a fun year for concerts.
Rory, Jill, Cody, and I all wish you a wonderful Christmas, Hanukah, and New Year!