2004 News
Another year gone. Time flies when you’re having fun and even when you aren’t! We’ve had another good year with good health and we’re grateful for that.
Jill graduated high school in June, and started college at UCSB. Cody, a 9th grader, continues to grow like crazy and now is about level with his dad and me. It gave him great pleasure to finally look down on his older sister, but she still lets him know who’s in charge.
Rory enjoys the challenges of his job as Chief Compliance Officer, and continues to travel as well. Last June, Cody and I joined him on one of his business trips to Washington, D. C. We had a great time. It was Cody’s first time there and things he had learned in US history in 8th grade came together in the various sights and museums we visited there. Rory and Cody were most enamored with the new addition to the Air and Space Museum-the Udvar-Hazy Center, which held the space shuttle, a Concorde supersonic transport, the Enola Gay, and many other vintage airplanes. I liked seeing the Hope Diamond in the Natural Science Museum, and the Declaration of Independence in the National Archives.
Jill took a special senior trip with four of her friends to Ireland a few days after the rest of us left for DC. They had planned it for several months and were there 10 days. They had a fantastic time. While there, my nephew Aron, who lives in London, flew to Dublin to join them for a few days.
Jill’s senior year at Davis High was very hectic, with college applications, classes, senior prom, a band trip to Disneyland, and various other activities. Her friends also planned a special surprise birthday party for her in May. It was fun. She’s made many special friends, and they hopefully will stay in touch.
Cody was happy to finish 8th grade! He worked very hard in school while continuing to play guitar and saxophone. This year, he’s in Jazz Band, and also decided to join an elective jazz band group directed by his private music teacher, called the Jazz Cats. They play at various local events in and around town.
Cody misses Jill but really has enjoyed having her room as his “extra room” to stash his instruments, do his homework in, and hang out.
I spent a lot of time working with other parents planning the Davis High School grad night party during Jill’s senior year. It’s an all-night alcohol-free party given for all seniors by parents. It takes a full year of planning and work but is so worth it in the end. It was however nice to have summer to relax again.
Rory and I moved Jill into her dorm at UCSB in September, after attending a few orientations during spring and summer. I wasn’t prepared for how it would affect the dynamic of our family. The adjustment was difficult at first. Thank goodness for cell phones and e-mail! Still, it has taken me time to adapt. I’ve gone to lunch with other “college moms” and we’ve been supporting each other through this new transition. It helps to know I’m in good company and other parents understand my semi-empty nest feeling.
I continue to go to my book clubs, and have updated my lists with our new books. I also have other girlfriends that I get together with, especially now that I’m in a household of men. Rory got me an MP3 player, which I love using, while on my morning walks and workouts. Rory has also developed a new hobby-building new guitar amplifiers and restoring old ones. He has a little workshop area in the garage and loves fiddling with them.
Happy 2005 to all of you!
Rory, Jill, Cody, and I all wish you a wonderful Christmas, Hanukah, and New Year!